Friday, August 23, 2013

Pixie Hollow is closing :(

Today I learned that pixie hollow is closing!!! :(

This is not the end, but perhaps the begining?
If you want to help us prevent the closing of pixie hollow please  go any search engine and type in SAVE PIXIE HOLLOW and then click on the first link.

After clicking it takes you here and all you have to do is fill out the info to help save pixie hollow. Thank you for your help.



  1. I am sure that you have heard the news of the impending shut down of the hollow. I started a petition late last week to save the hollow. I am writing you to request that you sign my petition to save the hollow, spread it to your friends and family, and then if possible put information about it on your blog as a post. We must join together to have a chance, and right now we have topped 250 signatures but we need to pass 5000 if possible. I am contacting everyone I possibly can to try to get the numbers we need, but now I need help from bloggers who have readers I do not have direct contacts with. Please help us save the hollow by signing the petition and spreading the word:


  2. I have already signed the petition and I will update this post.

    1. Actually I've signed 5 petitions for pixie hollow...

  3. Hi Sephrill, even though the hollow is closed, its still there! Its just in a dormant state. We can still save the hollow. While other petitions have closed.. I upped the date on mine. Please help spread the word, and check if you've signed mine. It currently has about 200 signs..We need more, please help us:
