Hey everyone!!!!!!!! Since Pixie Hollow closed!! you might want something to fill that deep empty void left in your heart. If you like having an avatar of your very own these suggestions fill that need. Well I have some suggestions for you! So find a search engine!!
Here are the suggestions:
- Club Penguin
- Animal Jam
- Our World
So club penguin is fairly fun! And of course safe for younger children too. Owned by Disney.
So once you have found Club Penguin it will take you to a page that looks like this. Please Click PLAY NOW!
After clicking PLAY NOW! it will take you to a page that looks like this, with two options! To CREATE A PENGUIN or LOGIN if you are a returning player. I'm going to click create a penguin to show people who've never made a penguin before how. :)
Since I'm assuming you've never made a penguin before and have clicked CREATE A PENGUIN it should take you to this page! Just fill out the information. And you will need a parent's email or you can just use your own if you are older.
Okay once you filled out the imformation and clicked the next buttom this comes up and in the red circle it will say the email address you put in. Remember you have 7 days to activate your account!
Click this buttom!!!!
Okay you now are free to go around club penguin! But remember to activate your account if you want to keep playing. There is a tour guide that shows you around club penguin!
If you want I can do a more in depth club penguin post! But for now I'll leave you to explore. Feel free to add me if you want to! Nightshade34 or Newt343. Now its time for Animal Jam!! Animal Jam is made by National Geograpthic so it's game is animal based! But very creative and user friendly.
Click here to go to animal Jam NOW!
So just search Animal Jam in a search engine and click the link and this should come up!! Just click play now and we will get starrted!!
Choose CREATE AN ANIMAL or PLAY to login if you are a returning player.
So if you clicked CREATE AN ANIMAL it will take you here! Choose which ever animal you want!
Name your animal!
Fill out the information and continue on. You
will need to put in a working email address or a parents. But remember it needs checked often to be able to activate your account.
Okay Welcome to Jamaa( the world of animal jam) theres a tour guide to follow.
Click the image in the left corner of your avatar.
As you can see there are lots of options to choose from. After the tour guide is done you can wander around. The thing I like about animal jam is you don't need to be a member to have fun! And the same goes for club penguin.
Have fun!!! I am think of starting a blog for club penguin and animal and even our world! but dont fret I will keep posting about pixie hollow too. So onto Our World!! Actually Our world is my least favorite of the three I mentioned because you can't do a lot of things if you are not a member.
Click here to go to Our World NOW!
Anyway so search our world on a search engine! Then click the link and it will take you to this page! Obviously click the play buttom.
Next it will ask you to choose a guy or girl theres alot of options.
After you've chosen which avatar you want it will take you here! And Don't worry you can change your avatar later.
So you are here!! I';m going to explain things a little more because this game is very confuising...
So click the regsiter buttom on the banner at the bottom of the game screen.
Okay after clicking register it will take you here, click the sign up buttom.
After clicking sign up just fill out this info to get started! remember use a working email address!
Okay after you've regestered you will get a confirmation email but your name will appear on the screen now.
okay to change your appearance click where it says your name! at the top of the screen,
This will drop down, click appearance.
And you can change just her face,eyes, height hair color that kind of thing. You have to buy hair styles and cloths.
In the left corner I've corcled in red your "flow" which is how you level up. You earn flow by playing games.
At the top of your gaming screen you will see it says Level 1 click on this tab and it wil tell you how much more flow you need to use to level up.
If you click your flow button you can win prizes while levling up. Anyway that is the basic's tghis game is more for older children too. I'll let you know about the blogs specifically for these games.